Mobile (SMS) Number Lists

Your SMS number lists must follow the format specified in this document. Usually, deviations from the specified format will result in some or all of your numbers being skipped by the file importer. Caution! Although the importer does screen for improperly formatted numbers, you are ultimately responsible for making sure that the lists you submit are correct. If you submit incorrectly formatted lists in such a way as to bypass the importer, they will not be scrubbed correctly and such numbers may remain on your list.

Text Files

Each list must be saved as a Microsoft Windows Text File (extension ".txt"), in ASCII format (not Unicode). The application will only allow you to open files with extension ".txt". Most list-generation programs provide a way to export data in this format. Do not use other text formats such as Comma-Spaced Format (CSV), ASCII Format (ASC) or Tab-Delimeted Format (TAB). These files include extra characters that may cause the importer to be unable to read the file properly. There is no hard limit on the size of the file, but the application is limited by the number of numbers contained therein. The application cannot scrub more numbers than authorized for your account, usually 125 million numbers per scrub. If you need to scrub more numbers, it is permissible to split your list into two or more text files and scrub each separately.

Formatting Rules

The following formatting rules must be followed to ensure that your file will be read properly:

Example File

The following text shows a properly formatted SMS number list that adheres to the formatting rules:

(555) 555-5555